Auto Insurance
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Auto Insurance Information
Popular Insurance knows that value and service are what customers are looking for on a great Georgia car insurance policy. Choose the policy that is right for you and your family with different kinds of coverages that protects them in any event.
State Requirements
Georgia requires bodily injury liability coverage of at least $25,000 per person and $50,000 per incident, and a minimum of $25,000 in property damage liability coverage.
These are the most common coverage that we offer:
Liability coverage
Drivers in this state are required to carry a Georgia auto insurance policy with liability coverage. If you cause an accident, this basic policy will cover the other driver, their vehicle and any passengers or property inside. Since the medical bills and repair/replacement costs resulting from a collision are often more expensive than the minimum amount of coverage, additional coverage is highly recommended.
Comprehensive and collision coverage
If you want to make sure your property is protected following an accident, even if you were the one at fault, you will need to add comprehensive and collision coverage to your policy. This covers the costs of repaired and replaced property, as well as any rental car charges resulting from the automotive repairs. Comprehensive coverage also covers fire, theft, windshield damage and vandalism. If you're concerned about the monthly payments, we can even customize a higher deductible policy that keeps those monthly costs down.
Uninsured motorist coverage
This is a very important type of Georgia auto insurance, considering the high number of uninsured motorists sharing the roads with insured drivers in this state. Uninsured motorist coverage will protect you from the high cost of automotive repairs, property replacement and medical bills if a driver without insurance hits you. Uninsured motorist coverage from Acceptance is an excellent investment for anyone who drives in Georgia.
Give us a call today at 678-797-1956 or ask for a quote today.